torsdag 22 augusti 2019

Yoga för dig magazine

In this issue of the Swedish yoga magazine Yoga för dig
and interview with me about Kripalu Yoga and my classes

Welcome over to my instagram: yogamedsif

onsdag 21 augusti 2019


Välkommen att besöka mig på min instagram 

Head over to my instagram 

Efter en härlig sommar med daglig yoga och träning är det nu dags 
för terminsstart, måndagar kl. 18.00-19.00
med start 26 augusti 
Det ska bli så roligt att träffa gamla och nya yogins 
och sätta i gång

du kan anmäla dig till

Välkomna allihopa 

lördag 19 januari 2019

Long time no see

This past Monday the yoga classes started again for the spring term 
aways lovely to meet all the participants after the breaks:)

The classes continues on Monday evenings at 19.00 - 20.00
Welcome to join us

I am having difficulties logging in and posting fotos in the blogg, thats on of the reasons I haven’t been so active on the blogg. I am going to give it a try again and see how it goes this time.
I also have a Instagram account if you want to follow me there, yogamedsif, I post there every once in  awhile. Sometimes I will post the same in both accounts, we will se whats happens here now 

This week I have been doing yoga and other exercise nearly every day, this morning the Sun Salutation and the Moon Salutation and more. I am happy when I choose to take time to work with my body. And the best thing is meditating every day a least once a day.
Sometimes I take a break with no particular reson, it just happens, but now I am back on track and hopefully also here on the blog:) 

Simplicity said the Angels today, don’t complicate your life or your practise, just do it an make it simple. Have a fantastic day<3

Jai Bhagwan 