onsdag 30 september 2015


How adventurous are you?
When was the last time you did something that you never done before?
Or something that you did as a child but haven't done as a grown up?
What do you want to do but don't do?
Oh my what a challenge 
I´ll have to thing about this and do something adventurous soon
how exciting:)

Have great fun to day and go seek adventures :)
Jai jai

lördag 26 september 2015

My new yoga sign

At the local where I have my yoga they have put up a new sign 
for he different activities that are going on there
we have dance lessons and we are three different yoga instructors 

I have been having my yoga lessons  there for 11 or 12 years
and there are some ladys that have been there with my from the start
great yogis:)

It is such a wonderful day here in Stockholm today
I will go out and do some mindful gardening
Have a great day today:)
Jai Bhagwan 

fredag 4 september 2015


Det har redan gott två veckor av denna termin, 
ja tiden går fort tycker jag!
Men det finns många veckor kvar och tid for healing

Även om vi har redan börjat kan du hoppa in och var med,
Lördagar kl. 09.00 – 10.00 
Måndagar  kl. 19.00 – 20.00  

Med yoga tar du hand om din kropp, själ och sinne 
du behöver inte så mycket annat än dig själv för att må bättre
lite tid, medveten andning och några sträckningar :)
Välkommen <3

It has already gone two weeks of this term:)
Yes time flies 
but there are many weeks left
and a lot of time for healing 

I hope that you will have a great weekend
Jai Bhagwan