fredag 17 juli 2015

My beautiful yoga sisters

When I am in Iceland I always meet with my wonderful soul mates and we do yoga together, 
we met more then twenty years ago in Stockholm and they joined my yoga classes. 
Both of them are since many years yoga instructors from Kripalu Center and lead there own yoga classes. 
We meet as often as we can, do yoga and share our happyness and sorrows 

Thank you for being in my life my dear beautiful yoga sisters<3

Now I will join my self and do some yoga:)

Have a great day and don't forget your yoga
Hugs and Jai Bhagwan 

torsdag 16 juli 2015

More New York

It is such a luxury to have a hole room for yourself for your morning practice:)
this is the room I used in New York


the butterfly 

head to knee

the bridge 

the shoulder stand

the plough 

Meditation nearly every day and some stretches
now I will sit in my glasveranda and mediate 
and if the grass is not to humid from yesterdays heavy rain I will do my exercise outside

Are you taking time for your yoga practice and taking care of you
enjoy your summer:)

Jai Bhagwan 