söndag 17 augusti 2014

Prova på yoga

Hjärtligt välkommen att gratis
 Prova på Yoga
med mig
 lördagen 23 augusti kl. 10.00 – 11.00
Villa Fridhem, Bellmansskällevägen 18
i Mälarhöjden

Jag bjuder på frukt och te
blandat med information och visdomskort

  Vill du bli av med fysisk och psykisk stress?
Vill du skapa harmoni mellan din kropp, sinne och själ
och uppnå medvetenhet som bidrar till bättre hälsa?
Då kan du använda Yoga som ditt verktyg till allt detta

Vi startar måndagen 25/8 och lördagen 30/8

Måndagar kl. 19.00 – 20.00  Start  25/8 15 ggr. 2.025:-
Lördagar  kl. 09.00 – 10.00 Start 30/8 13 ggr. 1.755:-

Hör gärna av dig om du vill ha information
via mejl: sif.ulfarsdottir@glocalnet.net
eller på telefon: 0707 490762

Jag ser framemot att träffa er alla
nya och gamala 

ha en härlig dag:)
Jai Bhagwan 

fredag 8 augusti 2014


The other day we spontaneously went for a Thai massage
that was just great, 
but I could feel it in my body how I need it to take more care of it 
it was sore and stiff
the massage was deep and really softened my muscles and awakened them
remember to give your self a treat once in awhile and have massage:)

This morning I did some stretches in the garden

I hope that you are well and letting some yoga in your life:)
Have a great day today
Jai Bhagwan

fredag 1 augusti 2014


Hi my dear friends 
thank you all for visting and I am so sorry that it has been such a long time since my last post
I have had a great summer with my family and friends 
I have been traveling to Iceland, Skåne and Copenhagen 
and had some guests from New York, Madrid and Reykjavik

I was in Iceland for two weeks
I stayed at my mothers house and got to spend time with her
I got to do yoga with my best friends
I worked with my aunt and her family
I had dinner with my brother
I took motorbike classes and know I have license to drive a heavy motorbike:)
and this weekend I will get my new motorbike
I am so excited  

Grace said the Angels today
Grace can be so much
this time I felt tenderness and graceful softness for myself and the space around my
felt the need to move slowly and gracefully

I have to admit that I haven´t been faithful to my yoga practice since Iceland
and I miss it so much
I can feel how my body screams for it
I haven´t been ignored my body thought 
I have been doing some gymnastic and I walk-run few times a week

But this morning I did some yoga:)
and I could feel how grateful my body was
and my mind 
because there is a immediately connection in the body and mind  
and then my soul gets happy

Few of the today postures 

How is your yoga practice going on this summer
I would like to hear from you
you know that you can leave comments on the blog
if you don´t have a blog your self
you can comment as anonymous 
and if you are a blogger I would love to visit your blog:)

Have a great day everybody
now I will go out for my walk-run:)
Jai Bhagwan 