fredag 5 april 2013


All the time things happens to us, somebody does something or say something that hurt us or get us out of balance. And we need to forgive and let go. It´s to now use to dwell on it and carry the anger or the hurt around for to long.  
We also have to forgive us self’s all the time, we do something that we regret and feel guilty about, the guilt can tear us down and drain us of all energy. Acknowledge the situation, what can you do different next time, forgive your self and drop it.  

Here is a meditation for forgiveness, 
you can use it to forgive your self our others. 

Sit comfortable on the floor with your legs crossed and your spine straight 
or sit on a chair with the soles of your feet on the floor, open chest and a straight spine.

Imagine a white room with a bright light flowing in from a big window, 
see your self sitting in the middle of the room.
 See thin strings attached to your heart and the situation that you where in when something happened that you have to forgive, bring out the feeling from the situation and re life it, fill your self with it and sit in it for a moment, and when you are ready to let go, imagine the you cut the stings one after another and with each cut string you say I forgive you.
Sit for a while and enjoy the calmness of forgiving

Forgive your self
Forgive others

Thank you for stopping by today
Jai Bhagwan

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